MSP & Technology Services Archives - Pronto Marketing Grow your business with a custom marketing plan and website redesign Tue, 20 Feb 2024 19:57:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MSP & Technology Services Archives - Pronto Marketing 32 32 MIS Solutions Website Transformation: A Blueprint for MSP Success Fri, 29 Sep 2023 04:58:10 +0000 MIS Solutions Visit Site The Strategic Evolution of the MIS Solutions Website: Leading the Way for MSPs Background MIS Solutions has been serving clients since 1995. As a family-owned business led by the dynamic duo, Lliam and Jennifer Holmes, MIS has been a beacon of IT excellence and thought leadership in Atlanta. With ambitions to […]

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The Strategic Evolution of the MIS Solutions Website: Leading the Way for MSPs

showcase mis mobile
showcase mis desktop


MIS Solutions has been serving clients since 1995. As a family-owned business led by the dynamic duo, Lliam and Jennifer Holmes, MIS has been a beacon of IT excellence and thought leadership in Atlanta.

about mis solutions

With ambitions to transition from a high-performing MSP to the top 1% in the area, the managed IT services provider in Atlanta embarked on a transformative marketing journey.


Navigating the Complexities of a Competitive Digital Landscape

MIS Solutions, despite its longstanding reputation and expertise, faced several challenges, the same ones that the vast majority of MSPs share:

Differentiation in a Saturated Market

In the bustling MSP industry of Atlanta, MIS Solutions grappled with carving out a distinct identity. The challenge wasn’t just about being different; it was about being memorable and resonating with potential clients.

Conversion Challenges

While the website attracted visitors, turning them into potential consultations was a hurdle. The site lacked the compelling elements to engage and convert these visitors effectively.

Underutilized Content

MIS Solutions had a wealth of content at their disposal – case studies, videos, testimonials. However, these valuable assets were buried, not showcased in a manner that highlighted the company’s success stories and client satisfaction.

Traffic and Engagement Concerns

Many of the site’s pages were light on content, leading to reduced visitor engagement and lower search engine rankings. This generic approach meant missed opportunities in attracting organic traffic.

Unsettled SEO

MIS Solutions needed clarity about which pages or offerings could spark interest. They possessed the tools but required a more defined path.

Central to these challenges was not an absence, but rather a sprawling strategy that needed to be reined in. MIS Solutions had the potential and resources; they just needed the right direction to effectively traverse the intricate digital landscape.


Growth Connect's Blueprint for MIS Solutions

MIS Solutions partnered with Growth Connect. Under the leadership of Scott Pressimone,
a Fractional CMO at Growth Connect, a comprehensive 4,000-word marketing blueprint was crafted over 30 days.

This blueprint became the foundation for the entire project, ensuring that the website transformation was not just about aesthetics but about aligning with MIS Solutions’ business goals and vision.

marketing blueprint

Strategy-Driven Transformation

With the blueprint from Growth Connect in hand, MIS Solutions was equipped with a clear strategy and an execution partner to get it done.

From identifying the ideal audience to conducting competitor analysis, Growth Connect laid the groundwork. The brand messaging, inspired by Donald Millar’s StoryBrand framework, positioned MIS as the technology guide for businesses.

With SEO research, sitemap creation, and website wireframing, the stage was set for a website redesign.

“Working with Growth Connect to develop the comprehensive marketing blueprint was truly an eye-opener for us at MIS Solutions. Their strategic insights and meticulous planning provided us with a clear roadmap for our digital transformation.”

Jennifer Holmes

Bringing the MIS Vision to Life with Pronto Marketing

mis solutions guideline

Pronto Marketing, armed with the strategy and concepts from Growth Connect, took charge of the website redesign. The focus was on showcasing the people-centric approach of MIS, highlighting the brand personality through personal letters and videos, and ensuring radical transparency with a detailed pricing page and extensive FAQ.

The site also boasts of social proof through case studies, testimonials, and awards.

Have a look at these highlight website features that Pronto helped bring to life:

mis focus photo

People-Focused Photography

The MIS Solutions website prominently features professional shots of the team, capturing the essence of their close-knit, family-owned business.

This approach not only humanizes the brand but also fosters trust by allowing potential clients to see the faces behind the services. It emphasizes the local, Atlanta-based touch that MIS Solutions is proud of.

Brand Personality

Personal messages from the owners, Jennifer and Lliam, are strategically placed throughout the site, speaking directly to visitors. Additionally, the discovery call page features a heartfelt video message from Jennifer.

These personal touches make the brand more relatable, emphasizing the hands-on approach of the active owners and their commitment to client success.

mis brand personality
mis radical transparency

Radical Transparency

The website boasts a detailed pricing page that sets clear expectations about the cost and value of services. An extensive FAQ section addresses common queries, reflecting the “They Ask, You Answer” methodology.

By being upfront about pricing and addressing potential questions head-on, MIS Solutions builds trust and reduces potential barriers to engagement.

Social Proof

The site is rich with testimonials from satisfied clients, detailed case studies showcasing successful projects, and a collection of awards and recognitions. It also integrates positive reviews from platforms like Google and Clutch.

This plethora of social proof reinforces the credibility of MIS Solutions, assuring potential clients of the high-quality service they can expect.

mis social proof
mis custom post type

Custom Post Types

The website features easy-to-manage sections like FAQs, Case Studies, Testimonials, and Employee Bios, making content updates straightforward and efficient.

These custom sections not only enhance the user experience by organizing information effectively but also streamline backend management for the MIS team.


A Dynamic and Evolving Website Structure

Gone are the days when the MIS Solutions website was a static entity, merely existing without significant updates. Today, the website is an active component of their ongoing marketing campaigns. The structure of the site has been meticulously crafted to support this dynamic approach. 

Instead of a rigid framework, the website now allows for seamless additions of case studies, testimonials, and answers to client questions. This adaptability is not just for the sake of flexibility; it’s a strategic move. 

As MIS Solutions runs campaigns to gather more testimonials, address client queries, and showcase their successes, the website is equipped to accommodate and showcase these updates.

The result? A website that doesn’t just inform but evolves, grows, and actively supports MIS Solutions’ commitment to excellence and proactive engagement with their clients – a gold-standard showcase for MSP businesses at large.

“The journey of revamping our website was made seamless with Growth Connect. Their expertise, combined with Pronto Marketing's execution, has given us a website we're truly proud of. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about the strategy, the user experience, and the message we want to convey.”

Jennifer Holmes

The transformation of the MIS Solutions website is more than just a design overhaul; it’s a strategic repositioning. By recognizing the website’s potential as a powerful marketing tool and investing in its transformation with the guidance of Growth Connect, MIS Solutions has set a benchmark for MSPs.

It’s a clear message to the industry: to be among the top, one must think, plan, and execute like the top.

Do you need a strategy? Growth Connect’s fractional CMOs can help!

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Website Design & Build

Make your business stand out with a unique WordPress website design

MSP Marketing Services

Increase visibility online and convert new leads with our multi-channel marketing services

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Leading IT

Establishing Trust While Driving Lead Conversion

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Designing a Modern Website for a New Data Analysis Platform Fri, 30 Sep 2022 02:20:29 +0000 Akai Kaeru LLC Visit Site Background Akai Kaeru was founded in 2016 and produces data analysis software. Their new AI platform discovers and visually explains critical patterns and causal relations in complex data and is an invaluable tool for data analysts. They are based in Stony Brook, NY. Visually Rich Graphics People say a picture […]

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Designing a Modern Website for a New Data Analysis Platform

showcase akai kaeru mobile
showcase akai kaeru desktop


Akai Kaeru was founded in 2016 and produces data analysis software. Their new AI platform discovers and visually explains critical patterns and causal relations in complex data and is an invaluable tool for data analysts. They are based in Stony Brook, NY.

akai kaeru webdesign guidelines
akai kaeru visually rich graphics

Visually Rich Graphics

People say a picture is worth a thousand words, and the intricate nature of Akai Kaeru’s AI software requires a great deal of explanation to the layperson.

Eye-catching animated pop-up graphics throughout the website show the product in action, letting the images do the talking as much as the text.

“Pronto Marketing has made a beautiful website for us - we like its look and feel. We’ve seen competitors’ websites in our space, and ours compares nicely.”

akai Klaus Mueller
Klaus Mueller
Co-Founder, Akai Kaeru LLC
akai kaeru animate app demo

Animated App Demo

An enticing snippet of the app in action greets visitors right at the top of Akai Kaeru’s homepage, immediately showing them exactly what their product is all about.

Effortlessly easy on the eye, this first impression draws in potential clients, leaving them eager to scroll down and learn more.

“The team at Pronto have the artistic and technical talents we require, and the result is good. Overall, we had a good collaboration and creative process with them.”

akai Klaus Mueller
Klaus Mueller
Co-Founder, Akai Kaeru LLC
akai kaeru informative text

Informative Text that Pops

Explaining the processes of this powerful app can involve complex words and terms that might easily cause most visitors’ eyes to glass over.

That is why we placed helpful pop-up text boxes over terminology that is not easily understood to avoid cluttering up pages with lengthy explanations.

Akai Kaeru came to Pronto with the aim of rebuilding their website from scratch.  They now have a visually rich yet informative site that places their impressive new product front and center, allowing it to speak for itself.

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dts fiber showcase

DTS Fiber

DTS Fiber is a new Internet Service Provider that needed to define their corporate identity and establish an online presence.

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Highlighting Customer Care With A SEO-Optimized Website Wed, 24 Aug 2022 02:09:22 +0000 Solutions IT Visit Site Background Canadian MSP firm Solutions IT was formed in 2012 as a result of a merger between Heartland Solutions and Mega Computers. They are based in Manitoba Province and have almost 50 employees. They offer a range of products such as IT support, cybersecurity, and VOIP services. Simple and Stylish Service […]

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Highlighting Customer Care With A SEO-Optimized Website

showcase solutions it mobile
showcase solutions it desktop


Canadian MSP firm Solutions IT was formed in 2012 as a result of a merger between Heartland Solutions and Mega Computers. They are based in Manitoba Province and have almost 50 employees. They offer a range of products such as IT support, cybersecurity, and VOIP services.

solutions it webdesign guideline
solutions it services

Simple and Stylish Service Menu

The company’s services are listed on their homepage with sleek, high-quality hover graphics that make them look more professional and appealing. Clicking on the links takes visitors to the services page where they can find out more about what Solutions IT has to offer.

“We now have a website that we believe will help our company grow and realize its full potential. The Pronto team has done a brilliant job in building a site that presents Solutions IT at its best.”

solutionsit Wes Ens
Wes Ens
New Business Developer
solutions it testimonial page

Authentic Testimonials Page

The power of customer feedback should not be underestimated. Pronto designed a page featuring genuine testimonials and reviews. Visitors can read about people’s experiences with Solution IT’s services or watch video interviews where clients share their glowing reviews.

“When we were considering a website company, we wanted one that knew our industry and was able to deliver with a good value proposition.

Pronto is equipped with the necessary tools to make them efficient, the right people with a great combination of skill, personality, accuracy and patience, the right processes to ensure excellent communication and prompt deliverables.

Our new website is something we are proud of and provides us with the leads we were hoping to create.”

solutionsit Wes Ens
Wes Ens
New Business Developer
solutions it industry

Helping Visitors Find the Right Industry for Them

Solutions IT has a wealth of experience in multiple industries, and it was important to highlight this expertise in order to assure visitors of the company’s ability to deliver. That is why the Pronto team created a new interactive feature on the homepage that allows users to explore the different industries that Solutions IT covers. Clicking on the graphics takes users to pages on the site with detailed descriptions of the industries served, which are SEO-optimized in order to boost their Google rankings. Also included is a page with a pitch to visitors from outside those industries, showing Solutions IT’s versatility and ability to serve clients from all backgrounds.

Solutions IT reached out to Pronto looking for a website makeover that reassures and inspires visitors from the moment they arrive on their landing page. Our production team developed a smart, detailed site, optimized for SEO while emphasizing their high standards and commitment to customer care.

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MSP Website Design

Make your business stand out with a unique WordPress website design

MSP Marketing

Increase visibility online and convert new leads with our multi-channel marketing services

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hightide profile

High Tide Solutions

VOIP & IT Service Provider Highlights Services to Inspire Action

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IT Website Inspires Trust and a Lasting Impression for Visitors Tue, 02 Aug 2022 07:28:53 +0000 WEBIT Services Visit Site Background WEBIT Services is a company with more than 25 years of expertise in providing IT services, support, and consulting to SMB’s, nonprofit organizations and institutions in the Chicagoland area. Emphasizing Trust Outsourcing IT services is something that comes with many perceived risks for many business owners. They need to be […]

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IT Website Inspires Trust and a Lasting Impression for Visitors


WEBIT Services is a company with more than 25 years of expertise in providing IT services, support, and consulting to SMB’s, nonprofit organizations and institutions in the Chicagoland area.

Emphasizing Trust

Outsourcing IT services is something that comes with many perceived risks for many business owners. They need to be reassured that WEBIT Services is an honest and trustworthy firm.

That is why we developed a page that stressed the company’s ethical work practices and core beliefs and underlined the ways in which they strive for the best outcome for all their clients.

“It's evident that they care about customer service and high-quality work. They are great with coming up with ideas and are very responsive.”

Eric Rieger
President, WEBIT Services

A Streamlined Interface

With numerous eye-catching yellow CTAs on the homepage and an easy, aesthetically pleasing accordion menu of WEBIT’s Services, visitors to the site can easily find what they need without having to navigate through multiple pages.

“They were really good at taking general concepts from us and working them into the design and layout. We are fans of Don Miller's StoryBrand work and wanted a site that followed that format and they delivered.”

Eric Rieger
President, WEBIT Services

Inspiring Customer Feedback

By adding glowing client testimonials, we showed WEBIT’s strengths relative to their competitors by highlighting their dedication and willingness to go the extra mile for their customers.

WEBIT worked with Pronto to establish a customer-friendly website that engages visitors from the start and provides them with a lasting and reassuring impression of competence, experience and trustworthiness in a pleasingly simple style that doesn’t overwhelm prospective clients.

See our Website Services

Website Design & Build

Make your business stand out with a unique WordPress website design

MSP Marketing Services

Increase visibility online and convert new leads with our multi-channel marketing services

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Leading IT

Establishing Trust While Driving Lead Conversion

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IT Firm Offers Holistic Pitch to Multinational Target Audience Fri, 15 Jul 2022 08:58:13 +0000 Numata Business IT Visit Site Background Numata Business IT offers managed IT solutions to small to medium-sized businesses in 13 different markets across the United Kingdom, Ireland and South Africa. Location Pages to Target All Service Areas Our team built 13 location pages to cover the IT firm’s service areas in South Africa, the UK, […]

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IT Firm Offers Holistic Pitch to Multinational Target Audience


Numata Business IT offers managed IT solutions to small to medium-sized businesses in 13 different markets across the United Kingdom, Ireland and South Africa.

Location Pages to Target All Service Areas

Our team built 13 location pages to cover the IT firm’s service areas in South Africa, the UK, and Ireland. This SEO strategy helped the multinational company improve its organic ranking and attract more leads from international markets.

From SEO to web design, we looked for a company that could handle all aspects of our website and digital marketing. We have been impressed by the range of skills the team at Pronto has.”

Clutch Verified

Khanya Peacock
Digital Marketing Coordinator

A Strong Company Pitch with a Modern & Clean Site Design

With a modern site design, our team instilled a strong company pitch that included well-spaced segments around Numata’s services, company values, milestones, and testimonials.Website visitors can now get a complete overview of the IT firm’s services that inspires action.

Earlier this year, we decided to refresh the look and feel of the website as well as the content, and Pronto was the obvious choice to take on this challenge."

Clutch Verified

Khanya Peacock
Digital Marketing Coordinator

Streamlined Support and Client Resources

A custom login portal was built as a one-stop hub for Numata clients. Here they can find exclusive resources and support access, as well as information on their accounts and active services.

Numata needed a holistic website design that can target multinational audiences. Our developers, having much experience building SEO-optimized websites, crafted a user experience that engages visitors from each of the IT firm’s target locations.

See our Website Services

Website Design & Build

Make your business stand out with a unique WordPress website design

MSP Marketing Services

Increase visibility online and convert new leads with our multi-channel marketing services

See Other companies we helped

Leading IT

Establishing Trust While Driving Lead Conversion

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SEO-Optimized IT Website to Target Multiple Cities in the UK Thu, 14 Jul 2022 08:13:32 +0000 CloudCoCo Visit Site Background CloudCoCo is a UK nationwide IT Managed Services provider operating in over 20 markets. From its headquarters in Leeds, the four-year MSP offers an array of services including IT support and cyber security solutions. Optimized Location Pages to Rank in Multiple Locations To help CloudCoCo reach their marketing goals, our production […]

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SEO-Optimized IT Website to Target Multiple Cities in the UK


CloudCoCo is a UK nationwide IT Managed Services provider operating in over 20 markets. From its headquarters in Leeds, the four-year MSP offers an array of services including IT support and cyber security solutions.

Optimized Location Pages to Rank in Multiple Locations

To help CloudCoCo reach their marketing goals, our production team built 21 service area pages that are optimized for SEO and designed to help improve their organic Google rankings.

The Pronto team was able to build our website as a means to target multiple markets across the UK, an instrumental step in CloudCoCo becoming a national-wide service provider."

Peter Nailer
Head of Marketing

Presenting an Engaging Services Pitch with a Video Banner

Our developers added a video banner above the fold to give site visitors a quick overview of CloudCoCo’s core services. By doing so, we ensured that prospects across all service locations see an inspiring and informative pitch before reaching for the mouse.

With so many services and service locations, we appreciated Pronto’s ability to put our best foot forward on our homepage. We are confident that our site visitors, no matter where they reside, are getting a great first impression."

Peter Nailer
Head of Marketing

Inspiring Trust with Live Customer Feedback

With Simplesat, a live testimonial ticker, CloudCoCo can easily gather customer feedback and display it on their site in real-time. The UK-based MSP can now build trust with visitors and show them that they’re an experienced and reliable service provider.
CloudCoCo approached Pronto with an ambitious task to build a website that was able to target new business in 21 markets across the UK. Our production team built SEO-optimized locations pages along with an inspiring and feature-rich homepage that speaks to prospects across all service locations.
See our Website Services

Website Design & Build

Make your business stand out with a unique WordPress website design

MSP Marketing Services

Increase visibility online and convert new leads with our multi-channel marketing services

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Leading IT

Establishing Trust While Driving Lead Conversion

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ISP Develops Marketing Strategy and Website with Growth Connect & Pronto Marketing Wed, 08 Jun 2022 04:10:41 +0000 DTS FIBER Visit Site Background New Internet Service Provider (ISP) DTS FIBER provides high-speed internet access to homes and businesses in Nevada. Their parent company Digital Technology Solutions, is an established managed IT services provider, and a new ISP venture allows them to add optical fiber infrastructure to their offerings. As a new venture, DTS […]

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ISP Develops Marketing Strategy and Website with Growth Connect & Pronto Marketing


New Internet Service Provider (ISP) DTS FIBER provides high-speed internet access to homes and businesses in Nevada. Their parent company Digital Technology Solutions, is an established managed IT services provider, and a new ISP venture allows them to add optical fiber infrastructure to their offerings.

As a new venture, DTS FIBER started with a blank slate. They needed to define their corporate identity, branding, marketing strategy, and online presence. For this, they hired Sofiane Morouche, a fractional CMO through our sister company Growth Connect.

Shaping DTS FIBER's Story of Serving an Underserved Market

DTS Inc. has been an MSP serving Nevada for over 20 years. As an established and trusted service provider among locals, DTS caught wind of a glaring need in Douglas County — high-speed internet access.

The Nevada-based MSP wanted to bring an underserved market to standard, and so DTS branched out and developed its own high-speed, fiber-optic internet infrastructure for county residents. Jonathan Young, founder and CEO of DTS Fiber knew he needed to start his new venture with a bang. As such, he worked with Sofiane to flesh out his marketing strategy, brand identity, and story in the community.

A New Brand Built From the Ground Up

With a company story now established, Growth Connect developed a brand identity that speaks to the residents DTS FIBER serves.

Unique logos, color schemes, and brand guidelines were mocked up and approved, allowing web development to start.

With our brand and marketing strategy in place, we now feel very comfortable going to market in Douglas County and leveling up our local presence online.”

Jonathan Young
Managing Partner

Website Development with Pronto Marketing

With a marketing strategy and brand guidelines in place, Sofiane worked with our website design team to develop DTS FIBER’s new site.

Our WordPress developers leveraged a marketing blueprint and brought DTS FIBER to life online, adding handy features to enable conversions, onboarding, and a streamlined user experience.

Here are a couple of our custom-built tools:

Eligibility Form to Engage Qualified Prospects

A custom form was added to engage qualified prospects by establishing their eligibility from the get-go.

Our developers enabled this feature by manually mapping GPS coordinates that were within DTS FIBER’s service area.

Creating a Simple but Effective Way to Onboard Clients

With an independent CRM and billing system still in the works, our developers created an onboarding page with a Gravity Form to take on new clients immediately. The form allows visitors to select their service of choice, order add-ons, and schedule installation times.

From conception to launch, everything went smoothly, and we appreciate the expert work performed by Sofiane and the Growth Connect team.”

Jonathan Young
Managing Partner

DTS FIBER saw a service gap in Douglas County, Nevada, and needed a strong go-to-market strategy for an impactful launch in the community.

By working with Sofiane at Growth Connect, the ISP firm established its entire brand and marketing strategy before engaging in a Pronto-powered website build.

Do you need a strategy for your new venture?
Growth Connect’s fractional CMOs can help!

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Website Design & Build

Make your business stand out with a unique WordPress website design

MSP Marketing Services

Increase visibility online and convert new leads with our multi-channel marketing services

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Leading IT

Establishing Trust While Driving Lead Conversion

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Establishing Trust While Driving Lead Conversion Mon, 28 Jun 2021 11:12:14 +0000 Leading IT Visit Site Background LeadingIT offers 24/7, all-inclusive technology and cybersecurity support for nonprofits, manufacturers, schools, accounting firms, religious organizations, government, and law offices with 10-200 employees across the Chicagoland area. Active Lead Conversion For any business, attracting interest is paramount. When a visitor lands on a website, their data isn’t automatically surrendered to […]

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Establishing Trust While Driving Lead Conversion


LeadingIT offers 24/7, all-inclusive technology and cybersecurity support for nonprofits, manufacturers, schools, accounting firms, religious organizations, government, and law offices with 10-200 employees across the Chicagoland area.

Active Lead Conversion

For any business, attracting interest is paramount. When a visitor lands on a website, their data isn’t automatically surrendered to the business owner. The visitor must choose to provide it. A great way to spark this outcome is to create a lead magnet. 

For cybersecurity company LeadingIT, we helped them package a free ebook on their homepage alongside a mandatory form. Anytime a potential client downloads the ebook, a new lead is earned and filed accordingly.

"We were thrilled to be able to leverage our expertise as much as possible. Pronto helped us do that by integrating our ebook onto our homepage to ensure we are putting our best foot forward.”

Stephen Taylor

Visualizing the Customer Roadmap

Providing a service involves a process, and for an IT company, that process may be unbeknownst to the customer altogether. An uninformed prospect is an uncertain one. 

To help combat this, we helped LeadingIT represent their approach visually to put any hesitancy to rest. With an option to click further, potential customers can navigate through as many details as they wish.

"Early on, it was clear Pronto had a lot of experience working with MSPs. They helped us visualize our process in a way that’s attractive and easy to navigate. We believe this is going to be a big help in streamlining our sales efforts.”

Stephen Taylor

Fresh Customer Feedback

Ratings and reviews play a huge role in a customer’s decision to take it or leave it. Positive feedback is earned and worthy of showcasing.

LeadingIT came to us with an excellent record, and we wanted it to be a big part of our website rebuild. We added six customer testimonials alongside their live CSAT (customer satisfaction) score to hammer home the pitch.

In any security business, trust is everything. LeadingIT worked with Pronto to build an MSP website that can capture the attention of its visitors long enough to earn that trust. To achieve this, we added a clear and informative customer roadmap along with a free-to-download information guide to help drive lead conversion.

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MSP Website Design

Make your business stand out with a unique WordPress website design

MSP Marketing

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Garriot Maurer

Using interactive design functions to vitalize a family law website

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VOIP & IT Service Provider Highlights Services to Inspire Action Sun, 20 Jun 2021 12:30:06 +0000 High Tide Solutions Visit Site Background High Tide Solutions is based in the US Virgin Islands and was founded in 2004. They provide IT services and consulting, as well as infrastructure support and VOIP systems for both private and public sector organizations across the region. Eye-Catching Service Slider High Tide Solutions provide a dozen different […]

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VOIP & IT Service Provider Highlights Services to Inspire Action

showcase high tide mobile
showcase high tide desktop


High Tide Solutions is based in the US Virgin Islands and was founded in 2004. They provide IT services and consulting, as well as infrastructure support and VOIP systems for both private and public sector organizations across the region.

hightide webdesign guideline
hightide service slider

Eye-Catching Service Slider

High Tide Solutions provide a dozen different services for their clients. We designed hover-animated sliders that not only provide valuable information, but also make sure this comes across in a visually appealing way that captures the attention of prospective customers to the site.

“When we started this project, one of our main goals was to show our full range of services to clients. With the help of the Pronto team, we were able to build a website that targets specific markets in various areas across the Virgin Islands and beyond.”

hightide profile
Andre Green
hightide service pages

Consistent Service Page Design

With twelve different services offered by HTS, the large number of choices can often confuse potential clients if it is presented poorly. We created the service pages in a clear way that is easy for visitors to navigate, maintaining the same professional and user-friendly style throughout.

“We set out to make our website more convenient and informative, and it was obvious that Pronto could address our concerns. We are absolutely delighted with the results.”

hightide profile
Andre Green
hightide lead magnet

Increasing Conversions with a Lead Magnet

We placed an offer of a free ebook at the bottom of the homepage, encouraging visitors to sign up through a contact form. This in turn helps to grow High Tide’s mailing list and allows them to reach out to visitors and communicate more effectively and directly with them.

High Tide Solutions needed a website that presented their many varied products in a visually pleasing, professional style without dissuading or overwhelming potential clients. With user-friendly pages offering a detailed description of High Tide’s services, and calls to action placed throughout, the Pronto team helped to create an informative yet attractive new website that allows High Tide to present their services in an appealing style.

See our MSP Services

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Make your business stand out with a unique WordPress website design

MSP Marketing

Increase visibility online and convert new leads with our multi-channel marketing services

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webit services profile

WEBIT Services

IT Website Inspires Trust and a Lasting Impression for Visitors

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